Episode 3 - Pay Attention to the Detail

All I’m saying is that it pays to pay attention to the details of a Hoyt game. The layout of a GolfWords game is designed to challenge a player’s powers of observation, just the same as a golf course rewards the player who retains “local knowledge.” We did this for a few reasons, one of which I just explained. Another is a trademark of a David L. Hoyt game, at least as I can see: you don’t have to be “good” at what you think the game is about. David’s games let folks who think and focus on different things have a way in to solving his puzzles, like a highway with several on-ramps. 

We built GolfWords to challenge the total player in the same way golf challenges the body, mind, and expectations of those who play it…and we picked putting because it is HALF of any regulation golf score, and you go through the same decision-making processes in putts as you do in any shot. We wanted to create “space” in the process to replace word-puzzle decisions with golf shot decisions.

  Then we wanted to build GolfWords around where players feel a LOT of frustration: close to the pin. Pay attention to how little details like your stance, set-up, and putting pressure stay consistent or vary when you putt to different distances or at different angles. I hope you find the little advantages we have worked into the GolfWords layout, and may you also begin to look for details in the green you didn’t think to look for before playing GolfWords. That’s all I’m saying…that, and Hoyt Games are something special, and I’m proud to be a part of GolfWords.


- Don Parker